Monday, September 20, 2010

On Thursday September 16th, Sergeant Chris Dowlearn from the United States Air Force stationed in Vancouver, WA visited Glenwood School to present his experience about being in the Air Force. He explained the benefits of joining the Air Force. Sergeant Dowlearn explained the places that he has traveled from his small town in Texas background thanks to his 11 years in the Air Force. He was also able to share with us about the educational benefits of joining the Air Force as an enlisted person, such as earning a 2- year degree through the Air Force Community College. But, the Air Force also offers other schooling, so you can earn higher degrees if you pursued that path. He also talked about the Post - 9/11 G.I. Bill that helps pay for schooling once you have left the Air Force. Sergeant Dowlearn talked about the leadership and other life skills he has learned in the Air Force.

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